Join Our Crypto Community

Welcome to CryptoMondays Madeira, your gateway to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Explore exciting events, connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and stay updated on the latest trends.
About Our Club
Welcome to CryptoMondays Madeira, your gateway to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Explore exciting events, connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and stay updated on the latest trends. CryptoMondays is in more than 60 cities around the world.
Our Mission
To create a
vibrant • global • decentralized
network of in-person crypto groups.
Who are dedicated to
educating • growing • supporting
the community.
Our Principles
We believe community is the backbone of crypto/web3, with Meetups catering for networking and learning.
Each chapter operates independently, without a centralised board governing their actions.
Global commitment
We are dedicated to rapid decentralization, while ensuring the project's sustainability.
Everyone interested in contributing to the community is welcome, regardless of their background.
Upcoming Events
Contact Us
Get in Touch
For inquiries or collaboration opportunities, feel free to reach out to us. We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.